Well ISO is really helps you to take good pictures in the dark and you could get the persons face clearly. The more ISO you put in it the more you light that you get in the picture. Well in the ISO 50 has less light so the picture is dark. Well I think ISO is better then flash because the flash focus more on the person but the ISO lets you see everything else. You have to be careful by not moving and so the picture could come out clearly.
Some pros about this picture are that you could see the light really clearly and the con is that you can’t see the rest clearly. Flash is good when you only want to see one specific thing. Flash is not good because it doesn’t shows the amazing things that you see when theirs no light. I think this picture was better without flash because if their would of been light the dragon would of not been showing.
A light meter helps you to get the color that you want if you want the computer to show the closest up to the computer then press half of the button then go back and take the picture. Or if you want the person co be showing too do the same process as the computer one. In the one that the computer is only showing your partner could be looking at you trying too being in the picture smiling and you won’t get them but in the other one you could see your partner she kind of like blue but you still see her. Spot metering could help me in the future if I want too take a picture in the dark.