Tuesday, October 27, 2009

scary effects

My favorite one was the vampire because I liked it how it how came out it was a really interesting thing to do. Some of the new tools that we used were the clone stamp it really does gives you another same stamp that you like. The other one was the pin you click then you drag then click and then drag. I don’t think their was anything that was difficult for me they were all not that easy but hen not that hard. I think that I did well on was on the vampire.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

critique: Robert & Shana parkeharrison

There is a line made out of fire and that line is made right in front of the guy there is a lot of fog going on where the fire is at. There is a man walking towards the fire looking straight down slowly through the dirty floor full of small pieces of branches. The man looks sad and he has big drops of water on him.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The tricks that I mostly like were the blur and the cross process. The one that I would like to explore and learn about more is the mask. Some of the things that I discovered in class were that you could make my eyes green and that I could make cool designs on the portraits.