Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Artist statement

Well I really had a great experienced this year learning a lot of interesting facts about Photoshop. What I feel most successful was that I improved a lot I didn’t know what aperture, macro ISO and all of those other little things meant but know by having this class it made me successfully learn about a lot of amazing things. The part that I struggled with was remembering what the proper names of the tools were. The good thing was that we used Photoshop a lot so all the tools I would remember them and by having Ms. Cook repeating everything that we go over.

The part that I could improve in the future was by fixing the edges in the pictures and by making the levels the right one. I actually liked everything that we did in this class it is really amazing how you could put people together and how to make a picture look real and how you could make the picture seem like if the ground is closed up from the front and then it goes away in the back like if it would have been a long far away place. I would use all my knowledge in the future I will get the program Photoshop and then I will show my husband how to use them so he could earn then use ISO in some of my pictures that I take.

The project that concerns me was the quilt squares they are the ones that tell you about my life it tells you what people think about me and how I am and who is in my life and it has been meaningful to me. I really had a grate time in this class that I learned a lot of things in this class and it will help me take better pictures in the future without having to just use the flash.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

blow out and panning


blow out

Well we created the blow out effect by making the person to run then follow the person then take the picture and everything comes out blurry and the person comes out clearly. The aperture you go outside in the sun and put the iso really high and then take the picture. The panning should looks really bright.Panning was difficult because we had to get the person cleat but the person you have yo get her or him clear. The panning should look really blurry from the back and the person should look like if it’s not moving

Thursday, April 22, 2010



iso 800


iso 50


Well ISO is really helps you to take good pictures in the dark and you could get the persons face clearly. The more ISO you put in it the more you light that you get in the picture. Well in the ISO 50 has less light so the picture is dark. Well I think ISO is better then flash because the flash focus more on the person but the ISO lets you see everything else. You have to be careful by not moving and so the picture could come out clearly.


Some pros about this picture are that you could see the light really clearly and the con is that you can’t see the rest clearly. Flash is good when you only want to see one specific thing. Flash is not good because it doesn’t shows the amazing things that you see when theirs no light. I think this picture was better without flash because if their would of been light the dragon would of not been showing.


A light meter helps you to get the color that you want if you want the computer to show the closest up to the computer then press half of the button then go back and take the picture. Or if you want the person co be showing too do the same process as the computer one. In the one that the computer is only showing your partner could be looking at you trying too being in the picture smiling and you won’t get them but in the other one you could see your partner she kind of like blue but you still see her. Spot metering could help me in the future if I want too take a picture in the dark.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Surrealism"Key to the freedom "

well in this picture the way that it feels is kind of weird it does fill like a surreal picture you will never see people in cages and fishes driving around i really liked it because it doesn't look dead it has bright colors it is not a boring peace of art it has some interesting things i know that it is a simple picture but it is still a nice art work. well in this world it is fish people the ones that rule the world and the people are the ones that are like their animals and they keep people in their cages so they wont go away. this was a really fun assignments and i really like doing it.

Friday, March 19, 2010

surreal practice tutorial

In the desert tutorial we made it realistic my moving the dirt so the dirt looks big in the front and really small in the back. Another one that we did is the pole we made a shadow and it looks like if the sun is going in. well this two photos are going to help me to create a surreal artwork because it gives us an idea how the work should be and ho make the things look realistic.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

art show

My Life

This is one of my art works that I made and it is about my life. It is telling you about me and about my family. I created this telling about my past my present inside me and outside me. In this art work I had used a lot of my expressions. It was a great experience by making this work it was kind of hard but at the end it was one of my favorite projects that I had done this whole year.

Monday, March 1, 2010

senior portafolio show

well the thing that i would like to due different is putting more different colores and to do more work into.It was hard at first because im not a good person that gets cool designs at the first i have to see peoples first but then at the end it was kind of fun.its to know what your client wants and whats the main subject.


the strengh wat the cap that i had in the front cover. well i think i did better then the other one that i did because it was the second one thst i had made and i had more time to do it. I could of done better at putting more designs.

Friday, February 12, 2010

personal quilt

In this past month I was the one that got all my thoughts from my head just reflecting how I was from the inside and what beliefs I believe. I am really happy with what I did in all my 4 quilts because they all explain the truth. My favorite quilt is the one outside me because I think it was the one that came out better and that it was the one that is the best. If I would of done this again I would probably get more pictures and combine them more and probably make the enfaces more noticeable. The tool that I used a lot was the mask layer. I really like using the mask layer because it makes better the picture that you want it doesn’t leaves the corners straight they make them seem like if they are disappearing. I was being honest with all my quilt squares but it was a hard thing to do them but I had a lot of fun working on them.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The lyrics I chose for this project is Este par de anillos by Viento y sol.

"ese par de anillos con nuestros nombres grabados”

I chose this song because they had dedicated this song to me. It has a really nice significant about some couple that are in love with each other and that they are going to get married. I love what the song says and the meaning of the song is really nice.

Friday, November 13, 2009

social issue:"without you"

In this image that I made is talking most likely about love. In this photograph it has a red bright rose meaning the love that you have for a person, for example your boyfriend, friends, or even family. The blood that’s coming out of the thorn is the pain that I am going through with a certain person. The thorn that is poking the hand means all the reasons that people make you suffer throughout your life.
The issue in this photograph goes through my life because I have gone threw rough moments with some specific people. All that pain that I feel, its expressing the horrible pain that is going in and the rose is the love that I still have for that person. For example if something happens between me and my husband I will feel a lot of pain with out him. Like another one that I have pain that I have with some of my family and the love I still have for them.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

scary effects

My favorite one was the vampire because I liked it how it how came out it was a really interesting thing to do. Some of the new tools that we used were the clone stamp it really does gives you another same stamp that you like. The other one was the pin you click then you drag then click and then drag. I don’t think their was anything that was difficult for me they were all not that easy but hen not that hard. I think that I did well on was on the vampire.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

critique: Robert & Shana parkeharrison

There is a line made out of fire and that line is made right in front of the guy there is a lot of fog going on where the fire is at. There is a man walking towards the fire looking straight down slowly through the dirty floor full of small pieces of branches. The man looks sad and he has big drops of water on him.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The tricks that I mostly like were the blur and the cross process. The one that I would like to explore and learn about more is the mask. Some of the things that I discovered in class were that you could make my eyes green and that I could make cool designs on the portraits.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The portrait that I was most success full with was the surprising it was because I got a really amazing look in her face. We created the surprising one because she likes horses and we decided to show what she likes and the mode of her faces in this portrait was caring. The costume that we had chosen was a cowgirl and that’s the way that she dressed out of school. I liked it how it turned out because it shows how she is when she is not in school. My surprising photo was unique and different from every one else because theirs not that many girls that do like wearing cowboy shits pants or boots. I king of felt frustrating by not knowing how to express her feelings in the pictures.

Friday, September 11, 2009

compositional trich #9 contact sheet

The one that I liked the most was macro because it allows you to focus in one object and the rest it fades away. The one that I think I will use day to day is the one with rule of thirds because it shows you everything really nice. The most difficult one that I had was the leading lines because I thought their is not lines to do. My favorite one was the macro because the flower looked nice in that position that I left it.

compositional trich #8 fill in flash

Fill in flash affected my photos was by having the picture look better in the one with out light theirs is some shadow but then in the one with flash doesn’t has anything covering the face. The only place that you should use flash is when you have a shadow blocking part of your face or part of your body.

compositional trick #7 drawing with light

Well by using this method it shows you the expressions how the person feels. It sets apart from the other because the light shows their expression then in the darkness the rest of you disappears. The feeling that expresses by looking at my photo is sadness. It creates feeling because the light blocks her face expressing that she is sad.

Friday, September 4, 2009

compositional trick #6 framing

Framing helps composition because it makes a muck better shape around the main object. In one of my picture helps the shape around the person by creating a heart around the person and it makes it look like if she is in love. In the other one that it’s placed at the top I should have made the person be more at the back so the tree could be the framing of her.

compositional trick #5 extreme angles

Extreme angles are a good compositional trick thing to know because it expresses how you or the object looks from a different angel. It shows you like if you were a giant or if you were an ant. One of my extreme angles that is on the top isn’t so good because it just seams like if you were just taking a picture from the top to the bottom. The other one that is placed at the bottom was a good one because I made it seam like if an ant was looking up in a different angle.

compositional trick #4 simplicity

Simplicity it’s a nice picture because you focuses in one specific object and there is nothing around it that is distracting the main object. Simplicity does not mean it’s boring its just one simple thing that you could take of and if theirs a extremely cool object it could get it closed up and it will show you the exiting things that the main object has.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

compositional trick #3 macro

Using the macro it is the best one to use because you could focuses to the main one object. Like in this picture it gives you one nice texture.

compositional trick #3 macro

Well the macro is a technique that allows you to see the main thing and the rest it blurs out. If you want to be looking at the one specific thing and the rest you really don’t want to see it macro it’s the best one to use.

compositional trick #2 leading lines

Leading lines are some lines that take you to the main object that you are suppose to be looking at. It is a really excellent strategy to use because it tells you what the main object is.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

compositon trick #1 rule of thirds

the rule of thirds its a awsome pose to be focused in the main object and still see the surrounding of the persons. The rule of thirds is just like a tic-tac-toe and it could help you put your idem right in one small square